Sylvain Rembert

Sylvain Rembert
46 years, France
on "10.350.830.490.0016378" by Jozef Aleksander Pedro

I started dancing hip hop, floor and up styles, then I entered the National Center of Contemporary Dance en Angers (france). I finished it in 2005. I worked with Gilles Verièpes, Juha Marsalo, Ali Salmi, Carolyne Carlson. I'm also interested in voice work.



dtj21/11/2009primal? i don't think so

Yulina3/12/2009Une tres tres belle qualité et une proposition tres interessante!!!!!!Un magnifique danseur!!!!!!Bonne chance pour la suite!!!!!

Tracee & Zoë15/02/2013boring

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Dancers! details

Views: 42942

Place and date of shooting:
9/04/2009, Brussels


Style: Energetic, Nonchalant, Primal, Spiritual

Technique: Break Dance, Funky

Lineage (your formative techniques): Generic modern, Sports, Hip hop, Breakdance

Eating habits: Vegetarian

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Politics: Socialist / Labor

Spirituality/Religion: Spiritualism

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D