Sophie Melis

Sophie Melis
35 years, Belgium
on "Rosie and the Prof" by Garrett List

I'm born in Liege (Belgium) and had a very happy childhood!I started to dance as a little girl just for fun. Later more intesivly. Studied ballet and contemporary at school.Once I finished school I mooved to Paris cause I got a job in a contemporary company. Danced in France and Germany.Back in Belgium for a bit!


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Dancers! details

Views: 4693

Place and date of shooting:
9/04/2009, Brussels

Rosie and the Prof

Style: Energetic, Nervous, Intuitive, Obessionnal

Technique: Modern jazz, classical, Flamenco, Improvisation

Lineage (your formative techniques): Generic modern

Eating habits: Omnivore

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Politics: Ecologist / Green

Sexual orientation: None of your business

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D