Michela Marino

Michela Marino
38 years, Italy
on "Les Caimans" by Sunny Disposition

I did dance studies since when I was 5 years old. I did the most important theatre-dance school in Italy: Scuola D'arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi.3 years of intense classes (improvisation skills, Contemporary dance, Release technique,Ballet , Theatre: Le Coque). I studied also with Emio Greco,Lucinda Child, Erna Omarsdottir. I did also Aikido. And Yoga Bikram.


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Dancers! details

Views: 2910

Place and date of shooting:
9/04/2009, Brussels

Les Caimans

Style: Relaxed, Energetic, Explosive, Intimate, Sensual, Nervous, Suave, Primal, Intuitive, Obessionnal

Technique: contemporary, classical, Salsa, Tango, Folk, Swing, Oriental, Contact, Improvisation

Lineage (your formative techniques): Classical, Generic modern, Jazz, Cunningham, Graham, Post Modern, Release, Sports, African, Contact, Improvisation

Eating habits: Omnivore

Zodiac sign: Aries

Politics: Democrat

Spirituality/Religion: Christianity

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D